Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cowboy hats


A hat is a head covering. It may be worn for protection against the elements, for religious reasons, for safety, or as a fashion accessory. In the past, hats were an indicator of social status. The most popular hats which used to wear most of boys are called cowboy hats. A cowboy is an animal herder who tends cattle on ranches in North America,

The cowboy hat is a high-crowned, wide-brimmed hat best known as the defining piece of attire for the American cowboy. Today it is worn by many people, and is particularly associated with ranch workers in the western and southern United States, western Canada and northern Mexico, with country-western singers, and for participants in the North American rodeo circuit. It is recognized around the world as part of Old West cowboy lore. The shape of a cowboy hat's crown and brim are often modified by the wearer for fashion and to protect against weather.

It is an item of apparel that can be worn in any corner of the world, and receive immediate recognition as part of American cowboy culture

Among different kinds of headgear, hats are a relatively modern phenomenon. It is really very simple - come hail or high water, blasting heat or bitter cold, hats protect your head, and so, protect you. Hats really come in different shapes and sizes - they always did, actually - and they have very different uses as well. Hats have been used as fashion statements, for the purpose of decoration and for the purpose of protection, and sometimes, even to indicate what 'class' the wearer belonged to. Perhaps more than any other accessory, hats are used for a large variety of purposes.

Modern cowboy hats are made of fur-based felt, straw or, less often, leather. They are sold with a tall, rounded crown and a wide flat brim. They have a simple sweat band on the inside to stabilize the fit of the head, and usually a small decorative hat band on the outside of the crown

Again, even the availability of hats is different. Some are mass-produced - cheap and readily available in the market. However, for special occasions and ceremonies, hats might be specially made. These are the 'custom-made' hats. They are made according to the demands of the customer. Needless to say, the more exclusive your hat, the lighter your pocket.

They are made from three different materials primarily - fur, straw and sometimes, wool. Black leather hats and cowboy hats are those which are wide-brimmed and have raised, high crowns Straw hats are the cheapest to buy; they are also the best hats to wear when the weather is very hot. They also, however, have greater wear and tear, becoming brittle more easily. If wants to wear one hat for a long time, then fur hats, made from beaver fur, or even rabbit fur, are the best buys. Although they are more expensive, their durability makes them affordable.


And, if you thought that only wearing a leather cowboy hat in any way would make you a cowboy, be warned! In fact, there are numerous rules that decide what a proper cowboy should and should not wear.

First, no cowboy ever owns, or wears, one hat for all occasions. Choice of hats varies according to function and fashion. Light colored hats, usually made of straw, are ideal for summer. For one, when there is no fear of rain, they look good. Also, straw allows air to pass, which is crucial in hot weather. Also, light colors mean little heat is absorbed. Following the same logic, only in reverse, dark-colored, felt hats, storing heat and keeping the head warm, are meant for use in winter.

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